One of the worst lessons I think I’ve had to learn is the difference between needs and wants. I think as children, well, in my family, you just didn’t ask because you knew the answer was going to be no. Because of that I think I give in a lot more to Pierce, and perhaps […]
2016 ~ the year we never expected
Everything for us seems to be topsy turvy this year. In 2015 , I spent a lot of my time traveling and enjoying and we had big plans for 2016. But somewhere along the line, we sat down at the end of 2015 and we said that something didn’t feel right about our plan ~ […]
Craving a Reuben ~ eat a salad
My favorite sandwich in the world is a good Reuben. Hands down, I will choose this sandwich over any other if it is offered. The corned beef, the sauerkraut, the sauce, I love it all. That become an issue when you love to eat and you want to lose weight. But, I somehow love to […]
Another pair of pants?
I am forever reminded of the saying that if you don’t learn your lesson, it will just be sent back to you in another pair of pants. This is so true for me in so many aspects of life. One being my struggle with weight loss. For one, my thyroid poses an issue. But, that […]
Crossing the line
I am posting this, because a friend was waiting at the end of my 10k yesterday to take a picture of me finishing. That’s me crossing the finish line. She took several and I’m so happy she captured this moment for me. I learned a lot walking those 6.4 miles yesterday. People tell you about […]
Challenging Myself
Somebody is a finisher! That person is me. I finally tackled my first 10k, and that doesn’t sound like a big deal in and of itself. Really it is a HUGE deal for me. #breakingbarricades #first10k #notfast #deadlast #winner #finisher #noregrets
Awakening and Breaking Down the Walls
I believe I’ve had a breakthrough in why I can’t get motivated to accomplish some things – ahem, the weight loss. Other than medically having some issues, I’m wondering what those who are successful at it do to stay motivated? See, I get a lot done in a day. I enjoy the accountability and completion […]
2016 Star Wars Half Marathon ~ The Dark Side
Registration opens on Tuesday, Sept 22 at Noon EST Feel the power of the Force with the inaugural Star Wars™ Half Marathon – The Dark Side! You’ll be running on Darth Vader’s turf with the Emperor’s white uniformed stormtroopers cheering you on the way. The Galactic Empire’s Sith Lord has a weekend of powerful surprises […]
Just Announced ~ Star Wars Dark Side Half Marathon
Just announced~~~ Let’s make travel plans! Message me today and let’s get your room booked so you can run the inaugural race at Walt Disney World!! [email protected] Destinations To Travel, LLC is registered with the State of Florida as a Seller Of Travel. Registration No. ST39315
I registered…now let the fun begin!
For those who are interested in Disney races, today is a BIG day for annual pass holders. Registration opened for Disney Princess weekend. This has been me ALL DAY LONG. Y’all have no idea the dream that has been planted in my heart. Asthma will not stop me!! Next year, February 2016, I AM REGISTERED […]